Who does NASCAR think they are, Formula One?
If dirt track open wheel racing lost its definition of a badass when Bryan Clauson tragically lost his life last August at the Belleville Midget Nationals in Kansas, then pavement open wheel racing suffered the same loss Saturday night with the passing of Dave Steele in a sprint car crash at Desoto Speedway.
The loss of a Cup date for New Hampshire is the result of a multitude of factors.
As I was surfing social media on Sunday morning after the revelation that Tony Stewart had withdrawn from the All Star Circuit of Champions finale at Bubba Raceway Park the night before, I saw a lot of “fans” throwing shade at ‘Smoke’ for his actions and for not competing in front of a packed house Saturday night.
People ask me every year why I give up a chunk of my Christmas and/or New Year’s holiday to jump in a car, head nine hours north and spend three days working during the annual Rumble in Fort Wayne indoor midget race.